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Welcome to the England Supporters Travel Club

These rules of membership (the “Rules”) apply to all members (“Members”) of the official England men’s senior football team - England Supporters Travel Club (“England Supporters Travel Club” or "Travel Club" or “ESTC”). References to “team” or “match” shall, unless otherwise indicated, be interpreted as references to the England men’s senior team and their matches. Please read these Rules carefully to ensure that you understand agree and accept them before submitting an application for membership. The submission of an application for membership to the ESTC is deemed as confirmation and acceptance of these Rules.

The England Supporters Travel Club is operated by the Football Association Limited (registered number 77797), a company registered in England and Wales whose registered address is at Wembley

Stadium, Wembley, London HA9 0WS (“The FA”). Any references to “we”, “us” or “our” shall be taken as references to The FA. Any references to “you” or “your” shall be taken as references to Members.

If you have any questions in relation to the England Supporters Travel Club or these Rules, please e-mail or write to the England Supporters Travel Club, Wembley Stadium, PO Box 1966, London SW1P 9EQ.

Section 2 - Code of Conduct - ‘England Respects’

These Rules incorporate the ‘England Respects’ code of conduct which is set out in the bullets below and as a Member you agree to adhere to this code.

• Members should act as ambassadors for the England team, and act in such a way that will continue to enhance the image of English supporters and the national side.

• Members must abide by the highest standards of behaviour, and reject: (i) acts involving violence, intimidation, provocation, abuse or anti-social behaviour; (ii) use of language that is anti-social, abusive, racist, homophobic or discriminatory, in any other way (this will include postings on any form of social, written or electronic media, or on the FA Forum); or (iii) behaviour or language contrary to standards of decency and respect towards the people, cultures, laws and property of host countries.

• English football is valued around the world for its standards of passion and fair play. Members will enhance this reputation by showing respect for the game, the opposition players and fans.

Section 3 - Membership

Section 3.1 - Membership Period and Fees

• The membership period will start in June 2024 and end on the day following the date that the final of the FIFA WORLD CUP 2026™ is held (the “Membership Period”).

• A one-off membership fee is payable upon application for a membership. The membership fee shall be as published by The FA from time to time on the England Supporters Travel Club website and is inclusive of VAT. The current membership fee for the 2024-2026 Membership Period are, for new Members, £85 for adults and £35 for juniors and, for Members that are renewing their membership, £65 for adults and £20 for juniors.

• Unless otherwise stated in these Rules or otherwise agreed by The FA, your membership fee is non-refundable.

Section 3.2 – Application for Membership

• Applications for a membership must be made on the official England Supporters Travel Club website. The FA shall determine, in its discretion, whether or not to approve any such application in accordance with these Rules.

• A membership is non-transferable to another person, and no more than one membership per person shall be permitted. If a Member is found to have multiple records, they may have all of their memberships cancelled without a refund.

Section 3.3 – Benefits of Membership

• Members will receive the following benefits during the Membership Period:

• A discount of £5 for adult tickets and £2.50 for juniors tickets off the purchase of one ticket to England home games if the ticket is purchased during the priority ticket sale for Members. Please note that only one discount will apply per Member.

• During the priority ticket sale for England home games, Members will be able to purchase up to 7 full-priced match tickets in addition to their own (i.e. up to 8 tickets in total) unless otherwise notified by The FA.

• Subject to availability, Members will be able to apply for match tickets (one ticket per Member) to England away games (including UEFA Nations League) and FIFA WORLD CUP 2026™ (subject to qualification).

See section 6.1 – 6.3 for more details on the terms of Member’s access to tickets.

• Members will benefit from a dedicated team at The FA who will provide Members with information on travelling abroad to follow the England team.

• Once signed in to the England Supporters Travel Club website, Members can participate in online discussion forums with other Members.

• Members earn two caps for every England Men’s Senior home game and two caps for every England Men’s Senior away game that they attend. Existing Members will be able to carry over their caps from the preceding two-year membership period only. See section 6.4 for more details on the caps.

• Members will get access to exclusive competitions and prizes as well as invitations to live fan forums and focus groups.

• Members will receive a membership card delivered to their address.

• Members will receive membership newsletters containing the latest ticket news and service updates.

• The FA may introduce additional benefits of membership or change existing benefits in order to improve and develop the England Supporters Travel Club. Accordingly, we reserve the right to amend the benefits without notice to you from time to time. If we change any benefits, we will endeavour to inform you in advance of the change via the England Supporters Travel Club website and or other communication channels.

Section 3.4 – Membership Cards
• A Member shall be issued with a membership card following a successful application for a membership and a suitable photo has been provided. The membership card is an accepted form of photo ID when collecting away match tickets or attending an England game.

• The membership card must be shown upon request to The FA, or any person acting on its authority. When attending a match, a Member must produce the membership card and a valid match ticket when entering the stadium.

• Membership cards are issued on a personal basis. They are strictly non-transferable to any other person (for the avoidance of doubt, including other Members).

• The membership card shall remain the property of The FA and must be returned to The FA if requested by The FA. The membership card must be returned if membership is cancelled for any reason.

• A membership card must not be tampered with or copied, and must not be used in any way other than to denote membership of the England Supporters Travel Club.

• A membership card will not be issued to a Member if they fail to submit a passport-style photo and/or have provided an incomplete delivery address.

• Any loss or theft of a membership card must be immediately reported to the FA via e-mail to detailing the known circumstances in which possession of the membership card was lost /stolen (including the last known date it was in the Member’s possession).

• If a lost or stolen membership card is not immediately reported as such, and is subsequently used fraudulently, the associated membership may be suspended subject to appeal to the AB.

• The England Supporters Travel Club is not responsible for membership cards or packs that are not delivered as a result of incorrect delivery details being provided by a Member.

Section 3.5 - Junior Membership

• Junior membership is available to applicants aged 15 years or under on 01 July 2024.

• A junior Member under the age of 16 will only be allocated a ticket for a match if he/she is to be accompanied by a Member aged 16 or over. The name of the adult Member must be given when an application is made for a ticket. A junior Member under the age of 16 must not attend a match unaccompanied by an adult Member.

• If a junior Member turns 16 during the membership period, he/she will not be required to upgrade to an adult membership. However, for the purpose of purchasing tickets he/she will be classed as an adult once they turn 16 and will be unable to receive the junior Members discount or purchase a junior ticket.

• A junior Member shall be issued with a membership card and junior membership pack following a successful application for a membership.

• A membership pack and/or membership card will not be issued to a junior Member if they have provided an incomplete delivery address and/or an unsuitable photo.

Section 4 - Cancellation/Suspension of Membership

Section 4.1 – Your right to cancel

• You may cancel your membership at any time by emailing or writing to the England Supporters Travel Club, Wembley Stadium, PO Box 1966, London SW1P 9EQ. Please note that if you choose to cancel your membership, the membership fee is non-refundable.

Section 4.2 – Our right to cancel/suspend

• We may: (i) cancel or suspend your membership; (ii) refuse your application for a membership or any future membership; (iii) impose a ban on purchasing tickets for any England men’s or women’s team matches (including youth and development teams); (iv) cancel existing ticket purchases and/or (v) in cases of abusive, discriminatory, offensive and/or inappropriate behaviour, require you to undertake an education programme offered by ‘Kick it Out’ (football’s equality and inclusion organisation), if:

• You are in breach of these Rules.

• You are in breach of the ‘England Respects’ code of conduct.

• You supply false or misleading information to The FA in an application for membership or otherwise, or you fail to declare any Relevant Offence.

 • You are in breach of any of the ground regulations or other ticketing terms and conditions that may apply to an England game.

• You fail to pay any fees (e.g. for tickets) due from you.

• You are ejected or banned from Wembley National Stadium or any other football stadium.

• Section 5.3 (Cancellation/suspension for Security Reasons) applies.

• In our reasonable opinion, your language or behaviour is abusive, discriminatory, offensive, inappropriate and unacceptable or otherwise brings the England team or the England Supporters Travel Club into disrepute. This includes any infringing language or behaviour via social media, email, post or other form of written or electronic communication or behaving in a threatening or abusive manner (whether through verbal or physical acts) towards any employee, agent or contractor of The FA.

• If we cancel or suspend your membership, we shall not be obliged to give you a refund of your membership fee, unless otherwise stated in these Rules.

• If we have required you to undertake an education programme offered by ‘Kick it Out’ (football’s equality and inclusion organisation) as a result of abusive, discriminatory, offensive and/or inappropriate behaviour, we reserve the right to suspend your membership, subject to appeal, if you refuse to undertake the programme or you are unable to complete the programme.

Section 5 – Security

Section 5.1 – Security Checks on Application

• By applying to become a Member, you agree that security checks may be carried out with the police or relevant authorities anywhere in the world and that any information you provide may be disclosed to such authorities. You also agree that if you have been the subject of a Relevant Offence (as defined section 5.2), this may be disclosed to The FA. The FA may conduct security checks in relation to a Member (including checking a Members’ police record) at any time during their membership.

• If you inform us of any Relevant Offence when you apply and you are subsequently excluded from becoming a Member, you will receive a full refund of your membership fee and any match ticket(s) purchased. If you fail to inform us, you will not be entitled to a refund.

• If an application is rejected on the basis of information disclosed as a result of a police check, the applicant can obtain a copy of the information provided by the police and, if the applicant believes it to be inaccurate, the applicant can appeal to the Appeal Board (AB) - see section 5.4 for more details on the AB.

Section 5.2 - Relevant Offences

• A “Relevant Offence” means an offence that has resulted in a conviction at a court or tribunal or has been made the subject of or been given a conditional discharge, bind over, fixed penalty notice fine (other than a traffic related fine), caution, formal warning, reprimand or other form of lawful judicial disposal, in relation to the following types of offence:

• Any football related offence including ticket touting.

• Any offence involving violence or the threat of violence to person(s) or property.

• Any public order offence.

• Any offence relating to drunkenness.

• Any offence relating to offensive weapons or firearms.

• Any racial or racially aggravated offence.

• Any offence involving harassment.

• Any offence relating to Class A drugs or any drug related offence relating to possession with the intent to supply, production or importation.

• Any offence under The Sexual Offences Act 2003 or the protection of Children Act 1978.

• For the purposes of these Rules: (i) any offence of attempting, conspiring, inciting, aiding, abetting, causing or permitting any Relevant Offence shall be classified as a Relevant Offence; and (ii) an equivalent or similar offence to a Relevant Offence under the law of another jurisdiction shall be classified as a Relevant Offence.

Section 5.3 – Cancellation/suspension for Security Reasons

• Anyone who has been the subject of a Relevant Offence (as defined in section 5.2) within 3 years of the date of their application to the ESTC will receive an automatic cancellation or suspension of membership, subject to appeal to the AB.

• Any Relevant Offences committed more than 3 years prior to application will be considered by The FA and may lead to cancellation or suspension of membership, subject to appeal to the IAB.

• Anyone who has been: (i) banned by a football club in the UK; or (ii) arrested in, deported or expelled by any country for matters connected with or at the time of a football match shall have their application considered by The FA and may lead to cancellation or suspension of membership, subject to appeal to the AB.

• Any member who has been the subject of a relevant offence whilst being a member, or whilst applying to be a Member, must immediately notify The FA and provide full details of the incident.

Section 5.4 – Appeal Board (“AB”)

• The AB has been set up by The FA to hear appeals from Members in relation to the cancellation or suspension of their membership under Section 5.3, or in connection with inappropriate behaviour prior to, during and / or after England fixtures abroad. The AB shall consist of a representative of The FA and two independent appointed persons. The AB shall adopt such procedures, in its discretion, as are considered necessary by the AB to determine the relevant matter. The decision of the AB shall be final.

• Any Member who wishes to appeal against the cancellation or suspension of their membership under Section 5.3 or in connection with inappropriate behaviour prior to and / or after England fixtures abroad (including due to inaccurate police information) shall be entitled to appeal to the AB. Membership may be suspended pending a decision of the AB.

• Appeals to the AB by a Member must be in writing and be submitted to the FA within seven days of receiving notification from The FA of cancellation or suspension from membership. The appeal must contain a detailed explanation of the Relevant Offence or behaviour in question. The Member may also submit written mitigation and character references in statement form in support of the appeal. Any mitigation and / or character reference statements must be submitted to the FA at the same time as the appeal document. The Member must supply contact details of any character references, who may be contacted by The FA to confirm they are genuine.

• The FA may in its absolute discretion present any facts or circumstances to the AB which it believes makes any person unsuitable for membership. The AB may also take into account any failure to inform The FA of any Relevant Offences during the membership application.

• In considering the suitability of a person for membership, the AB may in its absolute discretion, take into account these Rules, the ‘England Respects’ code of conduct and the following objectives of the England Supporters Travel Club: (i) to promote the best interests of English football; and (ii) to promote positively the reputation of supporters of the England team as being people of good character and ambassadors of the English game.

• The FA, in its absolute discretion, will only accept appeals against suspension for Relevant Offences committed in the three years prior to application if the offence is minor and isolated and there is considerable mitigation supported by genuine character references. Members with more than one Relevant Offence in the three years prior to application will not be eligible to the appeal process and their membership will be terminated.

Section 6 - Tickets

Section 6.1 – Home tickets

• All Members may apply to purchase one ticket for their personal use for England’s home friendly or qualification matches that take place at full capacity during the Members’ priority sale period. If you want to go these games with friends and/or family you can also apply to purchase tickets for up to seven additional people (i.e. up to eight tickets in total) unless otherwise notified by The FA. Tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis.

• Any tickets remaining after the Members’ priority sale period will be made available via a general sale at The FA’s discretion. The Member’s discount does not apply to tickets purchased during the general sale period.

• All refunds for home matches will be handled in accordance with The FA’s ‘Ticket Refund Policy’ which can be found here

• If an England home friendly or qualification match is due to take place with a reduced crowd capacity, the allocation of tickets will be decided by ballot and we shall notify Members of the terms of the ballot in advance. 

• If The FA reduces the intended capacity of an England home friendly or qualification match after the date the tickets have gone on sale, we shall notify Members of the procedure for determining ticket allocation provided that we reserve the right to cancel your ticket in accordance with The FA’s ‘Ticket Refund Policy’.  

• For the avoidance of doubt, being a Member during the Membership Period does not include access to purchase UEFA Euro 2020 tickets.

Section 6.2 – Away tickets

• All Members can apply to purchase one ticket for their personal use for England’s away international matches subject to any crowd capacity restrictions that might apply.

• In the event an away match is oversubscribed or there is a reduced crowd capacity, a ballot will be conducted in order to fairly allocate tickets. 70% of the ticket allocation for each away game will be offered to the Members with the highest number of caps who registered their interest. The number of caps you will require to qualify for the top 70% of ticket allocation will depend on: (i) the number of Members at the relevant time who have applied for a specified match; and (ii) the size of The FA’s allocation for that game.

• If there are more Members in the top 70% than there are tickets, The FA will allocate them as fairly as possible, with a draw for the Members on the same amount of caps that are on the fringe of the 70% allocation. Members that are unsuccessful in this draw will go into a ballot for the remaining 30% of tickets with all other Members.  All members who enter the 30% ballot, and who registered together, will be entered on a single ticket.

• Members that qualify for the first 70% ticket allocation or those who are allocated a ticket within the 30% ballot will be given a set period to phone or go online and buy their ticket. Only these Members will be able to buy tickets in this way.

• Any tickets that remain after this sale will be offered on a first come first served basis to all other Members.

• A Member wishing to cancel a ticket to an away match which has been purchased from The FA may apply to The FA for a refund in writing but must ensure the application is received by The FA at least 28 days before an away match (or the date stated within the sale information). Each application for a refund will be dealt with at the discretion of The FA. An administration charge of £5 per ticket will be deducted from any refund.

Section 6.3 – Tickets for FIFA WORLD CUP 2026™

• All Members may apply to purchase one ticket for their personal use for England’s matches at FIFA WORLD CUP 2026™ (subject to qualification).

• Only Members are eligible to apply for tickets from the Member’s allocation of tickets.

• Ticket allocations for each game that England could possibly take part in will be dealt with on an individual basis and will be allocated subject to FIFA WORLD CUP 2026™ ticketing regulations.

• In the event that a match is oversubscribed, a ballot will be conducted in order to fairly allocate tickets.  70% of the ticket allocation for each England game will be offered to the Members with the highest number of caps who registered their interest. The number of caps you will require to qualify for the top 70% of ticket allocation will depend on: (i) the number of Members at the relevant time who have applied for a specified match; and (ii) the size of The FA’s allocation for that game.

• Members who are unsuccessful in this draw will go into two ballots for the remaining tickets, as follows:

• The 20% ballot will then prioritise Members who have missed out on the 70% allocation. This ballot will prioritise those who have attended at least two away games and four home games between the 2022-2024 and 2024-2026 membership period giving them a greater chance of being successful in the ballot.

• 10% will be balloted to all Members who missed out in the 70% allocation and the 20% ballot.

• Members with the highest caps totals will be given priority to receive their price preference for FIFA WORLD CUP 2026™ tickets, subject to permissions being granted by FIFA.

• In the event of the Members ticket allocation being oversubscribed, no tickets will be allocated in the initial ballot to Members who have not attended a single match (home or away) in the 2024-2026 membership period.

The FA aims to allocate tickets for major tournaments in the fairest possible way and in accordance with these Rules. However, this is subject to the agreement of FIFA. The FA reserves the right to amend the ticket allocation procedures for the FIFA WORLD CUP 2026™ tournament if necessary.

• Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable unless otherwise stated.

Section 6.4 - Caps

• Members can claim caps for attending England home matches and England away games. Two caps are allocated for every home game attended. Two caps are allocated for every England away game attended. No caps are allocated for any European or World Cup tournament games (e.g. 2022 FIFA WORLD CUP QATAR™ OR UEFA EURO 2024 GERMANY™).

• Caps can only be claimed for tickets purchased through the England Supporters Travel Club or The FA and caps may not be claimed for matches that have taken place more than 21 days previously.

• For home games, the caps will be updated automatically as soon as reasonably practicable after the game has taken place for Members who purchased their tickets in the Members’ priority sale period or used their membership number to buy a ticket in the general sale (and have attended the game). Members who purchased their ticket without using their membership number in the general public sale will have 21 days from the date of the game to claim their cap. Caps can be claimed by submitting a request in writing to the England Supporters Travel Club, enclosing the ticket stub for the relevant game.

• For away games, failure to collect your ticket for an England away match (for any reason) will result in no caps being awarded for the match.

 • The FA reserves the right to request that Members collect their match tickets for an away match (including tournaments); this may be requested at any time before match day.

• Caps for home or away games will not be updated once the relevant deadline dates have passed. Caps will not be awarded retrospectively.

• One cap will be awarded to any Member that renews their membership from the 2022-2024 campaign.

• One additional ‘Bonus Cap’ will be awarded to any Member that is renewing for a third or more consecutive membership.

• Providing there is no break in membership, renewal caps will be valid for each renewed campaign up to a maximum of two successive membership periods.

• To avoid abuse of this system for home and away games (including tournaments), a sample of Members may be selected prior to every fixture and requested to collect their ticket(s) from the venue.

• Club Wembley members who are also Members will have their caps updated once we have received the attendance data from Club Wembley. It is not possible to have caps retrospectively applied for matches attended via Club Wembley prior to becoming a Member.

• In the event an England match takes place behind closed doors, no caps will be issued.

Section 6.5 – Travel and Attendance at Matches

• A Member must be in possession of a full (10 year) passport if they wish to travel to an away match. It is the responsibility of Members to provide current passport details when requested. Members must also provide a photo for their membership record that is a true likeness. Renewing adult Members may use their previous photo if this is suitable. All junior applicants must provide a new photo on application.

• A Member shall observe any rules, regulations or other arrangements made by or with an accredited travel agent with whom the Member is travelling to or from a match. Any issues or complaints must be raised directly with the travel agent concerned.

• A Member shall not wear clothing or display flags, banners or any other representation that The FA considers to be inappropriate. This includes, but is not limited to, any political or discriminatory messaging.

• A Member must behave in a responsible manner at all times when attending or travelling to and from a match. A Member should not act in any way that can be considered violent, indecent, insulting, abusive, discriminatory or otherwise offensive. Any Member, acting alone or with others, whose conduct, or incitement of others, results in disciplinary action being taken against The FA by FIFA, UEFA or other authorities shall have their membership cancelled or suspended. In addition, if The FA suffers any loss or incurs any fines due to your actions, you agree to cover The FA for any loss suffered or fines incurred’. You shall also be responsible for the behaviour of a third party who attends a match using tickets purchased by you.

• Any Member allocated tickets for away matches and tournament matches may be subject to security checks. The FA accepts no responsibility and will not be liable for any costs, incurred at any time, in the event that a Member does not satisfactorily complete a security check and as a result is refused an allocated match ticket.

Section 6.6 – General (Tickets)

The following terms shall apply to all home, away and tournament tickets:

• Whilst we try to ensure that ticketing information (e.g. pricing, kick off time, location and general information) on our website and other communication channels is correct at all times, circumstances may change and errors may occur. If we discover a change and/or an error, we will inform Members via our website and or other communication channels. The FA accepts no responsibility and will not be liable for any costs incurred by Members as a result of changes to and/or errors in respect of ticketing information.

• Nothing in these Rules shall constitute or imply any guarantee of entitlement to a ticket, seat or access to any England fixture. Tickets shall be issued at the discretion of The FA, which reserves the right not to issue or to withdraw or cancel a ticket. Tickets will be subject to availability

• When applying to purchase tickets, a Member will be required to submit credit or debit card details. A Member shall be notified as to the possible purchase prices of tickets which may be debited from their account. Where a Member fails to comply with any such requirements a ticket shall not be issued and a handling charge may be incurred.

• The FA reserves the right to charge reasonable administration or delivery fees in addition to the ticket price and such fees shall be as notified to Members from time to time. The ticket delivery fee will not be refunded if the tickets have been dispatched.

• Tickets are strictly non-transferrable (even to other Members) and are subject to the relevant conditions of issue of The FA, the relevant national association or the tournament organiser (e.g. UEFA or FIFA). Evidence of transferring match tickets is taken extremely seriously.

• The FA reserves the right to refuse an allocation of tickets from a national association or tournament organiser for any reason including, without limitation, on grounds of safety and security.

• The FA reserves the right to cap the number of Members during the membership period to ensure that Members have a realistic chance of obtaining tickets.

• The FA reserves the right to set aside a number of tickets for the use of The FA’s ‘Football Family’, The FA’s partners, Club Wembley and the official England Supporters Travel Club travel provider.

Section 7 - General

• The FA takes your privacy seriously. Your personal information will be processed in accordance with The England Supporters Travel Club Privacy Policy which can be found here 

• Your use of the England Supporters Travel Club website shall be subject to The FA’s Terms of Use. You agree that these Rules incorporate the Terms of Use, as may be amended from time to time. Please read the Terms of Use carefully to ensure that you understand and agree to them, as they contain the legal terms and conditions that you are deemed to have agreed to whenever you use the England Supporters Travel Club website.

• Except in the case of fraud, death or personal injury caused by our negligence or other cases where by law our liability cannot be excluded or limited, we exclude all liability to you in respect of your membership of the England Supporters Travel Club, howsoever arising and whether in contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation or otherwise.

• These Rules and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. Any disputes arising under or in connection with these Rules (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

• We reserve the right to amend these Rules from time to time. Any such amendment posted on the England Supporters Travel Club website and shall be effective once posted or otherwise communicated to you.
