Welcome to Wildcats
So, what is Wildcats? Well, it’s non-competitive football for girls who want to give it a go for the very first time or want to play with other girls their own age. Most importantly, Wildcats is all about having loads of fun and meeting new amazing friends.
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What's Great About Wildcats
1. Boost confidence
81% of parents say their daughters have grown in confidence since attending Wildcats sessions
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2. Meet new friends
Wildcats sessions are a great way for young girls to meet new friends. 71% of parents say that this is true.
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3. Get active
With regular fun and engaging sessions, Wildcats is a great way for girls aged 5-11 to stay healthy and active.
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4. Try football
Wildcats provides a fun and friendly environment for girls to try out football for the first time.
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"From day one, my daughter has felt welcomed and accepted - she comes away with the biggest smile on her face."
Laura - mother of Wildcats participant